WHEN YOUR airplane drops 20,000 FT as well as THE OXYGEN MASKS decrease

>Posted: 01/28/2013 | January 28th, 2013

Last week, I woke up at 4am to begin a long journey to the Bahamas, for a quick four-day trip. It was going to be a long day with extremely bit sleep.

First, Boston to new York, then to Fort Lauderdale before taking my final flight to the Bahamas.

I was flying United, my least preferred carrier, however the ticket was free, so I had bit option in the matter.

Shortly after I boarded my airplane in NYC, the security rundown began to play.

“When the seat belt indication illuminates, you should fasten your seat belt. Insert the metal fittings one into the other as well as tighten by pulling on the loose end of the strap… In the event of a decompression, an oxygen mask will immediately appear in front of you. To begin the flow of oxygen, pull the mask toward you. location it firmly over your nose as well as mouth… although the bag does not inflate…” as well as so on.

I’ve heard the security rundown countless times, so I tuned it out as well as nodded off to sleep.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

I woke as much as the noise of my eardrums popping.

“Vad är det som händer?” I thought, shifting in my seat as well as trying to autumn back asleep.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

As my eardrums began to noise like popcorn in a microwave, I couldn’t autumn back asleep. They were small, regular pops, as well as in my zombie-like state, I couldn’t location why this was happening.

I opened my eyes in a haze when it happened.

All of a sudden, the oxygen masks deployed from above. I looked confusedly at the people next to me. as well as then in the seats around me. There had been no turbulence. Was this a mistake? half asleep, I didn’t understand what to make of it.

All of a sudden, a voice boomed over the PA system. “Put on your masks.”

Holy crap! This was no mistake.

I reached for my mask. exactly how did that security rundown go again? “In the event of an emergency, oxygen masks will deploy…” I tried to keep in mind in my sleepy state. besides those security briefings, you recognize you’ve ended up being numb to them, tuned them out. then when an emergency happens, you think, “What the heck do I do again?”

I put on the mask as well as fumbled to tighten the strings, taking unnecessarily deep breaths, concerned that if I didn’t, I’d suffocate. I looked around. The company traveler next to me kept reading the paper. The lady sitting diagonally from me as well as the couple to my best all looked petrified. in front of me, I might hear a lady telling her kids, “Mommy likes you, mom likes you,” over as well as over again.

As the circumstance unfolded, I believed to myself that we had most likely just lost cabin pressure, as well as it was nothing to concern about. We hadn’t taken a dive; we hadn’t hit turbulence.

But minutes passed.

And they kept passing.

There were no announcements about what was going on. Of course, I desired the pilots solving problems, not chatting with me, however the dearth of info made those minutes last forever.

Then suddenly, we dropped — as well as we dropped fast.

My heart leaped out of my chest. “Maybe there is something truly wrong with the plane!”

All those fears I have about heights as well as flying were all of a sudden realized.

There is nothing scarier than having your airplane decrease 20,000 feet in seconds. It’s a feeling I never want to experience once again in my life.

We soon leveled out, as well as I later discovered that when you lose cabin pressure, you have to decrease below 10,000 feet to avoid a loss of consciousness.

Soon, the flight attendants walked casually down the aisle using their masks. If you ask any type of regular flier, they’ll always tell you that if the flight attendants aren’t scared, you don’t requirement to be either.

Finally, the captain came on the PA system as well as explained that, yes, the cabin had lost pressure and, no, there was nothing to concern about, however yes, we would be making an emergency landing.

You always question exactly how you’d react in a circumstance like this. When those masks autumn as well as your airplane descends rapidly, will your life flash before your eyes? will everybody be screaming? will it be chaos? will you understand what to do?

Surprisingly, none of that happened. My life didn’t flash before my eyes. everybody stayed calm. We were much more in a specify of confusion than anything else.

After we landed, my buddies as well as I laughed as well as talked about it as we sat in Charleston’s flight terminal drinking beer as well as waiting on a new flight. “Here’s to our very first emergency landing!” we cheered.

Yet as I believed about what had happened, I realized just exactly how helpless we are when that airplane door closes. Your life is in the hands of two people you will never see or meet. Anything can happen, as well as you have no manage over it.

You just have to count on that they understand what thedu gör.

Händelser som detta drabbade dig med insikten att oavsett exakt hur väl du planerar ditt liv, allt det hanter du tror att du har är en illusion.

Livet inträffar utan dig, så bra som du verkligen bara är med.

Det är ögonblick som detta som gör att du är avkopplad och online lite. Det har tagit några dagar för det konceptet att lösa, men när du inser att du inte har någon kontroll, blir livet i perspektiv.

Gå dit livet tar dig, liksom glädje i äventyret. ha så kul. Gör vad du älskar. Vara med vem du älskar.

Eftersom du en dag är 35 000 fot ovanför Atlanten, kommer maskerna ner, liksom det enda du kan göra är att säga för dig själv, “Om det här är det, ångrar jag ingenting.”

P.s. – Dessa bilder togs efter att jag insåg att jag inte skulle dö. Dessutom skyller jag inte helt United. Detta kan ha inträffat på alla typer av flygbolag, men när jag hörde kaptenen säger att det var andra gången detta hade inträffat för honom på en vecka, blev jag orolig över det grundläggande underhållet.

Hur man reser världen på $ 50 per dag

Min New York Times mycket populära pocketbok för världsresor kommer att instruera dig exakt hur du bemästrar resekonsten för att säkerställa att du kommer av misshandlad väg, spara pengar och har en djupare reseupplevelse. Det är din A till Z -planeringsguide som BBC kallade “Bibeln för budgetplanresenärer.”

Klicka här för att upptäcka mycket mer och börja läsa det idag!

Boka din resa: logistiska förslag såväl som tricks
Boka din flygning
Hitta en billig flygning genom att använda Skyscanner. Det är min föredragna bläddringsmotor eftersom den söker på webbplatser såväl som flygbolag runt om i världen så att du alltid förstår att ingen sten lämnas omvänd.

Boka ditt boende
Du kan boka ditt vandrarhem med Hostelworld. Om du vill stanna någon annanstans än ett vandrarhem, använd Booking.com eftersom de konsekvent returnerar de mest prisvärda priserna för pensionat och hotell.

Misslyckas inte med att komma ihåg reseförsäkring
Reseförsäkringsskydd kommer att skydda dig mot sjukdom, skada, stöld och avbokningar. Det är omfattande säkerhet i situationen allt går fel. Jag åker aldrig på en resa utan den eftersom jag har varit tvungen att använda den flera gånger tidigare. Mitt föredragna företag som erbjuder den allra bästa tjänsten och värdet är:

SafetyWing (bäst för alla)

Försäkra min resa (för de över 70)

Medjet (för extra evakueringstäckning)

Redo att boka din resa?
Kolla in min resurssida för det allra bästa företaget att använda när du reser. Jag listar alla de jag använder när jag reser. De är de allra bästa i klassen liksom du inte kan gå fel med att använda dem på din resa.

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