How To Swim With Pigs in The Bahamas (Pig Beach)

In this article, learn everything you need to know about pig beach and how to swim with pigs in the Bahamas.

We recently joined a day tour with 3N’s Exuma vacations to see the swimming piggies with our own eyes, and the experience really did live up to our expectations. When you check out the Bahamas, you must see the famous swimming pigs — it’s quite the spectacle! 

Crystal-clear water, blue sky, pigs that not only live on a deserted cay but also swim…what’s not to love?

The setting of Pig beach is stunning, the piggies were friendly, and the whole situation was the perfect mix of bizarre and awesome!

Här kommer de! Seeing the swimming pigs in the Bahamas was such a unique experience
Why are there swimming pigs in the Bahamas? What island do you swim with pigs? how much does it cost to swim with pigs in the Bahamas? I’ll cover all of these questions and more in this complete guide.

Har bråttom?

☞ Click here for the top-rated swimming pigs tour from Nassau

☞ Click here for the top-rated swimming pigs tour from Staniel Cay

Here’s everything you need to know about swimming with pigs in the Bahamas.

Choose Your tour Operator
Visit the Swimming Pigs from Nassau
Visit the Swimming Pigs from Staniel Cay
Where to stay to Swim With Pigs
Cost of Swimming With Pigs in The Bahamas
Why are there Swimming Pigs in The Bahamas?
Where is Pig Beach?
Can You Swim With the Pigs?
Can You Feed the Pigs? 
Is it safe to Swim With Pigs in The Bahamas?
Caring for the Swimming Pigs in the Bahamas
Swimming Pigs Video

Choose Your tour Operator

First of all, you should know that there are some imposter pigs in the Bahamas! The original, famous pigs are found on big major Cay, just a 5-minute boat ride from Staniel Cay in the Exumas. 

There are a few tour operators to choose from, but we enjoyed our day with the highly-rated (#1 on TripAdvisor) 3N’s Exuma Vacations, which offers small group tours (12-15 people only), with a more personalized feel.

What I love most about this company, however, is the fact that it’s 100% locally owned and operated.

In fact, the “N” in 3N’s stands for the names of the family members: Nellie (grandmother), Nikki (mother), and Natajia (daughter). supporting the female-owned, locally-operated business is one of the many benefits of joining this tour. 

The wonderful women of 3N’s Exuma vacations and embrace resort (Natajia, Nikki, Dexi and Gracie)
Unless you have your own boat, the best ways to see the swimming pigs are to either stay on Staniel Cay and join a day tour, or check out the swimming pigs from Nassau on a day trip by plane.

Visit the Swimming Pigs from Nassau

If you’re based in Nassau, it’s easy to see the swimming pigs of the Bahamas.

This day trip whisks you away in the morning by plane from Nassau to Staniel Cay, and back in the late afternoon in time for a sundowner. This is the most luxurious, safe, and comfortable way to check out the swimming pigs from Nassau!

First, you hop on a charter flight from Nassau to Staniel Cay (which is included in the tour package). At the airport on Staniel Cay, a representative from 3N’s Exuma vacations will be waiting for you to take you to the pier — which is just steps from the airport.

Board the well-maintained speedboat, get briefed on the day by the captain, and head off to experience the swimming pigs. 

Photo Bomb! Swimming with the pigs was so much fun
Of course, the day trip will include other major highlights of the area. You’ll see the Thunderball Grotto, the nurse sharks at Compass Cay, the Bahamian rock iguanas, a postcard-perfect sandbar, a sunken plane, and a stop for lunch.

Learn more about visiting the swimming pigs from Nassau and reserve your spot here, or click the button below.

Book Swimming Pigs from Nassau

Visit the Swimming Pigs from Staniel Cay

This is the swimming pigs tour that we joined and highly recommend if you plan on basing yourself on Staniel Cay. It’s the exact same as the tour from Nassau, minus the flight. learn more about it here.

Wake up, enjoy a lazy morning coffee and be ready for the tour around 9:00am. I say “around” because things really do work on island time here. 

Once the plane lands from Nassau, you’ll meet up with that group and head to the pier — which is just steps from the airport and embrace resort (which is owned by 3N’s and is where we stayed). 

Embrace resort on Staniel Cay
Hop on the speedboat, get a briefing from the captain, and then sit back, relax and enjoy the day!

The itinerary of this trip is the same as if you joined from Nassau. Swimming with the pigs is the highlight of course, plus Compass Cay (with nurse sharks), Bitter Guana Cay (with Bahamian rock iguanas), the Thunderball Grotto, the gorgeous pipe Cay sandbar, and a sunken plane. 

The stunning pipe Cay sandbar is one of the stops during the fantastic day trip
During our trip, I appreciated how we were given the freedom to go ofF och gör vår egen sak om vi ville ha (foton, videor, etc.). Den ordning i vilken vi besökte höjdpunkterna var också upp till oss.

Om vi ​​inte ville gå med i en viss aktivitet som snorkling, det var inget problem, kunde vi bara stanna på båten. Om det var ett val mellan simning under vattnet och genom en grotta, eller hålla huvudet över vatten, kunde vi diskutera vilket alternativ vi föredrog.

Det var trevligt att säga och ge vår insats!

För mer information om denna dagstur från Staniel Cay och för att reservera din plats, klicka här eller knappen nedan.

Boka simma grisar från Staniel Cay

Var att stanna för att simma med grisar

De två bästa ställena att basera dig själv att simma med de berömda grisarna i Bahamas är Nassau och Staniel Cay.

Var att bo i Nassau

I Nassau finns det många boendealternativ att välja mellan.

Om du bokar Gold / all-inclusive-swimmingpaketet med 3ns Exuma-semestrar får du retransport från ditt hotell i Nassau till flygplatsen. Om du inte väljer Gold Tour-paketet, träffas du helt enkelt på flygplatsen i Nassau.

Om du bor på Paradise Island i Nassau, kommer din hämtningstid att vara runt 6:00 – 6:30 och kabelstrandområdet är 6:30 – 6:45.

Var att bo i Staniel Cay

Vi stannade på Embrace Resort på Staniel Cay, som ganska kanske den mest vänliga personalen var som helst vi har stannat! Nikki är ägare och Natajia, Gracie och Dexi är de tre kvinnorna på kontoret som är så värdefulla och välkomnande.

Vårt comfy rum på omfamna resort
Det finns 7 färgglada villor här som erbjuder balkonger och utsikt över poolen.

Omfamna ligger precis vid flygplatsen och piren, vilket innebär att du kan sova på morgonen av grissturen och vara redo att gå runt 9:00.

Getter på vägläsarna får en gratis flaska vin vid incheckningen på omfamningsorten. Använd bara kampanjkod goatpigs när du bokar. Läs mer här.

Pro Tips: Embrace Resort erbjuder sina gäster 30% rabatt på simmandet med grisar i Bahamas Tours.

☞ Se även: 10 bästa stränder i Karibien

Kostnad för simning med grisar i Bahamas

Kostnaden för den roliga dagsturen med 3ns Exuma-semestrar är $ 499 från Nassau för vuxna (inklusive flyg), eller $ 249 för vuxna om du bor på Staniel Cay. Här är några fler detaljer:

Kostnad för simning med grisar från Nassau

Vuxna: $ 499
Barn under 6: $ 250
Spädbarn 2 och under är gratis

Vad ingår:

Rundresor från Nassau
Flygplatshälsning i Staniel Cay
Alla inträdesavgifter, skatter och bränsleavgifter
Kostnadsfri WiFi ombord
Mat för simbassängerna
Förvaring på kontoret
Överföringar till lunch
WiFi på kontoret
Obegränsade läskedrycker
Assorted Snacks & Chips

Pro Tips: Om du väljer guldpaketet för bara $ 100 mer får du rundtur transport från ditt hotell till flygplatsen, öl på båten och en god lunch. Läs mer här.

Kostnad för simning med grisar från Staniel Cay

Vuxna: $ 249
Barn under 6: $ 100
Spädbarn 2 och under är gratis.

Vad ingår:

Alla entréavgifter och skatter
Assorterad snacks och chips
Mat för simbassängerna
Förvaring på kontoret
Överföringar till och från Staniel Cay Yacht Club eller Staniel Cay Airport
WiFi på kontoret

Pro Tips: Omfamning Resort gäster får 30% rabatt på turnén. Läs mer om att besöka grisarna från Staniel Cay här.

Varför är det simma grisar i Bahamas?

Detta är förmodligen den vanligaste frågan. Det är inte typiskt att du ser grisar på tropiska stränder!

Simning grisarna är söta, men varför är de på den här stranden?!
Det finns några folktal som omger varför grisarna är stranden, men eftersom kapten Dave med 3ns Exuma-semester och ägare av omfamning är båda födda och uppvuxna på Staniel Cay, fick vi den riktiga historien.

I grund och botten höll lokalbefolkningen i Staniel Cay sina grisar i pennor. Som du kan tänka dig, eftersom Cay är mindre än 2 kvadratkilometer, blev lukten lite av ett problem.

Lyckligtvis var det en öde Cay intill, så de bestämde sig för att flytta grisarna där. När det kom dags att mata dem, skulle bönderna helt enkelt hoppa i sin båt och ta sig till stora stora cay.

Grisarna började associera ljudet av båtmotorn med mat och bestämde sig för att simma ut för att hälsa på sina ägare.

Yachties och sjömän började märka att grisar simmade för att hälsa dem också, någon tog ett foto av scenariot och publicerade det online … och resten är historia.

Nu är simbassängerna i Bahamas en av de mest populära attraktionerna i Exumas.

Var är Pig Beach?

Ön där grisar simmar vanligtvis kallas “grisstrand”. Men det är bara smeknamnet som ges till stranden som simbassängerna bor på.

Ön (Cay) själv kallas stor stor Cay och det ligger i Exumas, precis intill Staniel Cay. Hitta det på kartan här och kolla in bilden nedan.

Här ligger Staniel Cay, och Pig Beach ligger precis bredvid den.
Kan du swim With the Pigs?

Yes, you can definitely swim with the pigs!

When the boat arrives at Pig Beach, it will idle offshore. The pigs will be excited to see you and come swimming out to the boat. It’s recommended to swim before the boat moors up on the sand, as the water will be cleaner the deeper out it is. 

Can You Feed the Pigs? 

Yes, you can feed the pigs. In fact, if the pigs come swimming out to your boat and you don’t feed them, they’ll be quite disappointed! during the pig tour, you’ll be able to feed them bread. 

Is it safe to Swim With Pigs in The Bahamas?

Short answer: yes, it’s safe to swim with the pigs. However, these are animals that roam free on the island, and there are some things to keep in mind.

Captain Dave gave us instructions on how to feed, how to swim, and how to interact with the pigs so that we had an enjoyable experience. here are my top tips for having a safe check out with the pigs.

Swimming with pigs was so much fun
1. Don’t feed them on the beach

The pigs should be fed while they are swimming in the water for two reasons. The first is so they don’t ingest a bunch of sand while trying to eat the food you’ve given them, which will make them really sick.

The second reason is if you have food on you while you’re on land, the pigs may become forceful and try to get it from you. Do not feed the pigs on the beach, or have any food on you while on the beach.

2. Don’t run

If one of the pigs comes over to you while you’re on the beach and you’re getting freaked out, don’t run! All that will happen is a bunch of pigs will start chasing you. always walk, don’t run.

3. put your hands in the air

When you have no more food to give the pigs, put your hands up and show them there’s nothing left. They will then leave you alone and swim or walk away to find someone who does have food.

4. Swim away from shore

The pigs defecate on the beach and in the water by the shore. However, we didn’t see any poop on the sand, but while in the water, we could see the pigs easing themselves…but, fish came around to promptly take care of the waste!

Regardless, it’s not the most sanitary thing to put your head underwater right at the shore with pigs all around you. go for a swim with the pigs in deeper, clean water.

5. Don’t pick them up

In some cases, it’s ok to pick up the piglets and you can even bottle feed them if you want.

But, I suggest leaving the babes alone so you don’t upset the mother. Plus, pig hair is quite coarse and you may end up with a rash on your stomach or chest if you’re not wearing a shirt.

6. give belly rubs

The pigs love to get their bellies rubbed! It’s the funniest thing. feel free to give them a rubdown.

Caring for the Swimming Pigs in the Bahamas

When we found out that there were pigs living on an island, with tourists coming to swim and feed them, I’ll admit we were a bit skeptical about their wellbeing. 

However, since seeing the swimming pigs firsthand and talking to a member of the pig association, we saw and learned that they are very well taken care of.

Sure, tourists feed them bread, but they also have a veterinarian who does frequent check-ups, they receive vaccines, they’re fed “pig food”, and (here’s the kicker), they get coconut oil massages to help their skin and hår!

Swimming Pigs Video


If you’re looking for something fun and unique to do during your trip, then swimming with pigs in the Bahamas should be on your list — or at the very least, seeing them.

We had such a terrific time on the tour and could not stop laughing when the pigs came swimming towards our boat for food! It really was quite the sight. 

On top of seeing swimming pigs, we really loved how the tour took in many of the incredible highlights of the Exumas. Whether you’re staying on Staniel Cay or in Nassau, spend one of your vacation days with 3N’s and the swimming pigs — you won�

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